Deep OLD

kagiImage search.

“It is incredible that no one else has thought of this. If I could have only one tool for finding images, this would be it.”

Pick a color, any color.

Deep calculates the range of colors used in each of your images by analyzing the pixels and calculating the most popular colors. This is what makes the palettes in Deep powerful, you can find images that have similar colors, which is great when you are looking for the perfect picture to go on your web site. In fact, just drag any image on to Deep and it will find and rank all the images on your computer that are similar.

Find by size or shape.

Ever wonder where that wide banner ad that you designed went? What about the predominately red image that was huge? Deep lets you find your images by size or shape. Very handy.

Tags and keywords.

Tag any image. This makes it extremely easy to find images, regardless of their location. Why hunt through an arcane hierarchy of folders and files to find the image you want? Deep also reads any keywords that are associated with an image. Download an image from and Deep instantly recognizes all its keywords.


See what it does in 30 seconds with this image matching demo


2 minute manual (PDF manual available too!)


Get Deep now:

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Download Deep El Capitain optimized, works on 10.7+

(also runs as a demo)

Download Deep for 10.6