New builds of Leap, Yep, Deep and Fresh are up on our servers and also on the Apple Store.

You can get the builds right here:

They require OS X 10.8 or later, and are 64 bit only applications signed by Ironic Software.

The changes are mostly of the keep the apps up to date variety, with the following fixes:

Leap/Yep – both have more tags available to choose from for autocomplete.

Fresh – You can now file documents from the cooler or fresh area directly to any folder on your computer. I have been wanting this capability for my own purposes for a while now.

There are also quite a few small bug fixes – mostly added as a response to customer feedback. Thanks for that!

Move a file anywhere quickly without wading through the Finder.

Move a file anywhere quickly without wading through the Finder.

Yep is version 3.6.0, Leap is version 3.6.0, Deep is version 1.5.4, and Fresh is version 2.6.0.

You can buy from Ironic directly by clicking the ‘Buy‘ item at the top of the page.